通过对《公爵夫人与珠宝商》的文本分析 ,从意识流这一侧面揭示了小说创作的三个特点 :一是以人物的回忆、印象、想象来展示人物的意识流动 ;二是以有限的时空、人物创造较为广阔的时空疆域和人物的内心世界 ;三是小说集中描写了主人公一个人的意识活动。作品成功的关键在于现实主义与现代主义的巧妙结合。
Based on the textual analysis of The Duchess and the Jewelry',three characterastics in Virginia Woolf's short stories were presented.The key to Woolf's success lies in her combination of realism and modernism. Firstly ,the stream of consciousness of character is revealed with the impression, imagination and memory.Secondly,The broad range of space time and the character's inner world are created by the limited space time and characters.Thirdly,This story concentrated on describing consciousness of character.
Journal of Beihua University(Social Sciences)