清军入关后 ,清朝统治者强制推行剃发令 ,此后辫子成了满洲贵族政治权力的一种象征。 2 0世纪初年 ,随着清朝统治的逐步衰败 ,在资产阶级革命党人的宣传、带动下 ,在军界、学界的积极推动下 ,一直贯穿清朝始终的剪辫与反剪辫之争 ,演变为一场声势浩大、席卷全国的群众性剪辫运动。
After having conquered the Ming Dynasty and set up the domination, the ruler of the Qing Dynasty arbitrarily gave orders to carry out the policy which forced all the mass to cut their hair and wear plaits. From then on, the plait became the symbol of the Man nationality nobles' political authority. In the early 20th century, with the decline of the Qing Dynasty and with the promotion of Military Circle and School Circle, bourgeois revolutionaries propaganded cutting plait so actively that the debation of plait which ran through the Qing Dynasty continually developed a mass campaign of unprecedented size.
Journal of Yangzhou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
cutting plait
on the eve of the Revolution of 1911