通过对史料的分析和综合,对唐代隶书发展情况进行整理和探讨,可见唐隶的发展经 历了两个阶段,即“石经旧法”与“明皇新体”。汉末到初唐的隶书,在很大程度上是受了 《熹平石经》的影响,而经过玄宗变法后的“明皇新体”,与初唐隶书有了明显的差异,字 形由方趋扁,笔画丰腴厚重,体现了李唐盛世泱泱大国的时代气象。唐隶的风格,到明皇变 法后才意味着真正意义上的确立。
By analyzing historical data, this paper attempts to probe into the development of li shu in the Tang Dynasty. It is pointed out that li shu of the Tang Dynasty had experienced two phases of development: “the traditional style” and “a ne w style”. Li shu from the late Han Dynasty to the early Tang Dynasty was, to a large degree, influenced by Jiaping Stone Scriptures while li shu after the political reform conducted by emperor Xuan Zong was much diffe rent in many aspects. It was after the political reform that the style of li shu in the Tang Dynasty was actually established.
li shu of the Tang Dynasty
Shi Jing Jiu Ti(the traditional style)
Ming Huang Xin Ti(the new style)