
安全困境与后冷战时代的中美关系 被引量:3

Security Dilemma and Sino-America Relation in the Era of Post Cold War
摘要 安全困境是国际关系中的一个基本特征。通过分析安全困境发生的原因 ,提出安全困境的两种模式 :一般性安全困境和结构性对抗安全困境 ,在此基础上对冷战后中美关系中存在的安全困境的性质和特征进行了分析 。 Security dilemma is a basic character of international relation. This essay analyzes the causes that lead to security dilemma in international relation, and come up with that there are two basic patterns in international relation: basic security dilemma and structurally confrontational security dilemma. Based on the analysis above, this essay analyzes the nature and character of security dilemma in Sino-America relation, and points out that it is needed to reconsider Taiwan Question in the context of security dilemma between China and America.
作者 刘刚
出处 《贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第2期55-59,共5页 Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 安全困境 结构对抗性安全困境 中美关系 Security Dilemma Structurally Confrontational Security Dilemma Sino America Relation
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