应用现代翻译理论 ,从语言风格 ,翻译技巧等多个层面上对张谷若翻译的哈代名著《德伯家的苔丝》及吴笛翻译的《苔丝》作了一些比较性研究 ,并通过具体选段译语的评估与分析 ,再认识了哈代的名篇———《苔丝》 ,从而对探索翻译基本原则 。
In this paper, I applied to the modern translation theory to analysis contrastively Hardy's masterpiece Tess of the D'urbervilles and the two Chinese translations of it in the aspects of language style, translating technique. By further analysising and valuing the chosen part of the novel, I hope to get a better understanding of Hardy's fiction, so as to provide some impirical materials on study the basic law of translation as well as enriching the practice and theory of translation.
Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Sciences)