《铁达尼号》是电影史上创票房价值最高且引起世界轰动的一部爱情题材影片 ,是有史以来好莱坞电影的巅峰之作。从影片《铁达尼号》男女主人公爱情的产生、男女主人公境遇悬殊给爱情带来的阻力、男女主人公爱情的结局。
Titanic is a love film that created the highest box office value in the film history and made a sensation throughout the world, thus becomes the summit in Holliwoods love films from the growing of hero and heroines love, the obstruction caused by their great disparity, the end of their love and the connotation of the films motif.
Journal of Shaoguan University