恐怖主义是当今人类一大全球性公害。文章概述了恐怖主 义在欧洲的种种表现,以欧盟的一些法律文件为依据,介绍并分析了欧盟反恐怖主义政策的 基本内容、长处和不足,认为,恐怖主义仍将是新世纪欧洲面临的一大挑战。欧盟反恐怖主 义政策的核心是扩大和加强以政治、立法、司法和警务一体化为目标的成员国间全方位的合 作,虽然实践中存在着各种问题与障碍,但从长远看,欧盟的反恐怖主义前途是乐观的。
Terrorism nowadays is one of the worldwid e social effects of pollution all people face. This paper not only summarizes th e terrorism's manifestations in Europe but also,according to the related law doc uments,introduces and analyzes the basic content, strong points and shortage o f the EU's policies of antiterrorism, deeming that the core of the EU's policies is spreading and strengthening of the considerable cooperations among the count ries of membership the four unification of politics, legislation, judicature, an d pol ice. Terrorism will still be a huge challenge in the new century for Europe, but in the long run the EU should have an optimistic future in combating terrorism.
Journal of Jiangnan University:Humanities & Social Sciences Edition