20世纪中国的元曲研究是在“曲”遭鄙视、曲学萧条的背 景下起步的。奠基人为王国维和吴梅。其采用的文献学、历史学与文艺学相结合的研究方式 、提出的一系列观点,具有世纪性的影响。三、四十年代的元曲研究,在文献整理上成绩颇 丰,戏曲学与散曲学分域渐明,各成专学。诸学者在曲史、曲体、艺术流派与风格、戏曲的 场上形态等方面多有论述。五、六十年代,在研究的视野、角度上有所开拓,具体研究则多 受时行政治观念的影响。80年代以后,在反思前学术研究的基础上,新老学者在学术观念与 研究领域、学术方式与研究内容上均有所更新、拓展和前进,根本趋势则在呼应世纪初的纯 学术理想,回归学术研究的真正本质。
Chinese research of Yuan Qu in 20th century began against an unfavorable atmosphere in which Qu was scorned and Q u study was falling.The founders were Wang Guowei and Wu Mei,with approaches of philology ,history and literature.They came up with a series of concepts of historical sig nificance.In thirties and forties,documents management in Yuan Qu was famous.And Yuan Qu distinguished itself from San Qu.In the middle of the century,the front iers and angles had been broadened,although the research had been strongly influ enced by politics.Since eighties,basing on the early studies,scholars of differe nt ages develop in academic ideals,research topics,academic ways and content.The essence of this tendency is a recall to “pure science”,which is the natur e of academic research study.
Journal of Jiangnan University:Humanities & Social Sciences Edition