民法和商法作为市场经济条件下的两个基本法律部门 ,在立法上一直存在民商分立和民商合一的争论。我国历史上缺少商品经济的深厚传统 ,建国后又长期实行计划经济体制 ,因此造成民商合一论在学术界占据了主导地位。文章讨论了民商合一论形成的历史根源 ,从商的本质是资本的营利活动出发 ,论证了民商合一立论的不科学性 ;并从商事活动的营利特性要求商法有与民法不同的价值追求和调整原理出发 ,得出结论 ,商法作为民法的特别法有其独立存在的根据 ,在立法上针对民法和商法之间的关系 。
From 19th century on, there appears the theory that the commercial code should inte grate with the civil code. The author introduces the reason for the appearence of the theory. Based on the conclusion that the essence of commerce is capitalistic conducts for profits, the author draws a conclusion that the theory is not scientific. Furthermore, the author points out, for the sake of making profits, safety and quickness are required in commercial transactions, so the commercial conduct requires special regulatory, not disobeying the general principles of civil law. This explains why the commercial law is an independent legal branch. Based on above conclusions, the author suggests that in Chinese legislation, commercial code and civil code be compiled separately.
Journal of Jiangnan University:Humanities & Social Sciences Edition
civil law
commercial law
model of legislation