由于中国住房金融市场发展历史和政策原因 ,在市场竞争、业务运行、市场体系、金融工具和产品营销方面还存在诸多不足。因此 ,利用中国与西方发达国家住房金融政策比较研究的方法 ,借鉴相关住房金融政策经验 ,以建立、健全贸易自由化条件下的中国住房金融政策。应建立完善的住房金融体系 ,建立健全住房抵押贷款机制 ,实行差别利率等政策。
Owing to the historical and political reasons, there are many problems in the development of monetary policy on housing in terms of competition, administration, market system, monetary device and market operation. After comparatively researching the policy in China and the developed western countries and referencing relevant experience, this article undertakes to study the formulation and improvement of housing monetary policy under the trade liberalization, corresponding system, mortgage system, policy of discriminatory interest rates, etc..
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