重型自卸汽车设计中经常选用三角臂组合式倾卸机构 ,应用的是铰链四连杆机械运动工作原理。通常对自卸汽车倾卸机构的计算是以三角臂为受力分析的研究对象 ;而若全面表达倾卸机构的受力状态 ,则须将倾卸机构作为受力分析的研究对象。实践证明 ,后者明显优于前者 。
The moving theory of four bar linkage is often used to analyze the triangular arm unloading mechanism of dump truck.The analytical object of the unloading mechanism is always triangular arm,but in order to make a overall study of unloading mechanism,it is necessary to study the unloading structure.It has been practiced that the latter analysis is superior to former and has wide application value.
Journal of Shijiazhuang Railway Institute