对接受手术治疗的 34 3例帕金森病 (Parkinsondisease,PD)患者中的青少年型帕金森病 ( young onsetParkinsondisease ,YOPD)与普通帕金森病 (PD)的临床资料进行分析比较。将手术病人分“开”、“关”2种状态进行手术前、后的帕金森病评分量表 (UPDRS)评分 ,应用SPSS统计软件对有关资料进行分析。结果显示 ,YOPD与PD组手术前后UPDRS评分自身配对比较均有显著性差异 ;YOPD与PD 2组病人手术效果比较 ,“关”状态时 ,如病程在 1 0年内 ,手术对YOPD运动症状的改善率较PD好 ,YOPD病人运动迟缓症状的改善率较PD高 ;当病程在 1 0年以上时 ,手术对YOPD日常活动的改善率较PD高。微电极导向的立体定向手术对YOPD和PD均有良好的手术效果 ,对于YOPD患者 ,手术更安全 ,并发症更少 ,手术治疗效果在日常活动及运动功能改善方面比PD更好。
In this study 343 patients with Parkinson disease underwent microelectrode guided stereotactic surgery from July, 1998 to December, 1999. These people were divided into two groups, 47 cases in young-onset Parkinson disease group (YOPD) and 296 cases in regular Parkinson disease group (PD). United Parkinson Disease Rating Scales (UPDRS) were used to judge patients' performance before and after the operation during 'on' and 'off' states. These data were used to find out if there was any difference concerning the surgical results between YOPD group and PD group. For each group, there was a significant difference concerning UPDRS before and after the operation either during 'on' or during 'off' states. Furthermore, when the illness history was within 10 years, YOPD group's performance in the third part of UPDRS is significantly better than PD group. When the illness history is longer than 10 years, YOPD group's performance in the second part of UPDRS significantly better than PD group.
Journal of Capital Medical University
北京市科委基金资助项目 ( 95 330 40 0 1)