目的 分离吸水链霉菌菌体蛋白质 ,探讨西罗莫司产生菌—吸水链霉菌的 FK5 0 6结合蛋白 (FKBPs)。方法 制备西罗莫司产生菌—吸水链霉菌菌体蛋白 ,分离蛋白质并进行 PPIase酶活性测定。 结果 获得吸水链霉菌的蛋白谱型 ,其中 2 5 k D蛋白质及 15 .5 k D蛋白质具有 PPIase活性 ,初步认定相当于 FKBP2 5及 FKBP12。 结论 西罗莫司产生菌—吸水链霉菌中存在二种 FKBPs,即 FKBP2 5和 FKBP12 ,与前人报告不合。
Objective\ To investigate how to isolate FK506\|binding proteins(FKBPs) from the sirolimus producer S.hygroscopicus.\ Methods\ The mycelial protein was prepared and isolated from S.hygroscopicus, and its peptidyl\|prolyl\|cis\|trans\|isomerase(PPIase) activity was determined.\ Results The protein pattern of S.hygroscopicus was obtained, and both 25 and 15 5 kD proteins possesed PPIase activity.\ Conclusion\ FKBP12 and FKBP25 in sirolimus producer S.hygroscopicus were quite different on Keller's report.\;
Journal of Fujian Medical University