文章对工程建设项目中因工程设备不能满足合同要求 ,业主向工程设备的供 (施工 )方提出索赔的原因和方法进行了研究。用系统分析中的层次分析法 (AHP)对工程设备的价值进行了分析 ,提出了工程设备基本价值因素的概念 ;在此基础上指出了签订合同时应注意的事项 ,对索赔事件进行了分类并研究了它们的特点 ,给出了进行工程设备索赔工作的程序框架 。
Firstly, this paper studied the reasons and the methods of project equipment claims that mentioned by the owner of the project, analyzed the value of the equipment with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and gave the conception of the Elementary Value of Equipment . Secondly, based on the concept of Elementary Value of Equipment, the paper pointed out the keys of the claims and studied the characteristics of claim affairs. Finally, it gave the main procedure of claims affair. This paper is provided with realistic meaning in the work of project equipment claims.
World Sci-Tech R&D