
自我控制行为研究概述 被引量:11

Brief Introduction to Researches on Self- control Behavior
摘要 该文简要介绍和总结了国外关于自我控制行为的产生过程及其形式方面的研究成果,文中还简要总结和概括了不同形式的自我控制行为需要运用的自我控制技巧,最后对国外有关自我控制行为研究中存在的问题以及我国如何开展有关问题的研究提出了一些前瞻性看法. In this paper , the author briefly introduces and summarizes the results of researches on the process of formation and the forms of self-control behavior abroad . Then , the author discusses some self-control techniques in dealing with different kinds of self-control behavior . Finally , the author puts forward some ideas concerning the problems existing in the researches on self-control behavior abroad and the ways to do research on this issue in our country .
作者 郭晓飞
出处 《绍兴文理学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2002年第2期111-114,共4页 Journal of Shaoxing College of Arts and Sciences
关键词 自我控制行为 矫正型自控行为 改良型自控行为 成长型自控行为 self-control behavior redressive self-control behavior reformative self-control behavior experiential self-control behavior
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