10有关国外学者对此的研究可以参见下列有关文章:Li Bobai and Andrew G. Walder, "Career Advancement as Party Patronage: Sponsored Mobility into the Chinese Administrative Elite,1949-1996,"American Journal of Sociology, Volume 106, No.5(March 2001): 1371-1408; Andrew G. Walder, "Political and Life Change in A State Socialist Regime: Dual Career Paths into the Urban Chinese Elite, 1949 to 1996," American Sociological Review, Volume 65 (April 2000): 191-209; Andrew G. Walder, "The Decline of Communist Power: Elements of a Theory of Institutional Change," Theory and Society, Volume23, No.2(April 1994): 297-323; Bruce J. Dickson, "Cooptation and Corporatism in China: The Logic Of Party Adaptation," Political Science Quarterly, Volume 115, No.2 (2000-01):517-540; Bruce Dic kson. China's Red Capitalists: The Party, Private Entrepreneur, and Prospects for the Political Change. New York and London: Cambridge University Press, 2003;O1e Odgaard. 1992,Private Enterprises in Rural China: Impact on Agricultural and Social Stratification. Avebury, 1992, p.187, and pp.182-219; Jonathan Unger,《The Transformation of Rural China》 (M.E.Sharpe, Inc., 2002)一书的第 7 章 "The Emergence of Private Entrepreneurship and New Classes" , 尤其第 143-146页; Dearlove,J., "Village Politics," in China in the 1990s, edited by J. Benwick and P. Wingrove, Bassington: Macmillan, 1995, pp. 129-130; Jude Howell, "Prospects for Village Self-Governance in China," The Journal of Peasant Sudies, Vol.25, No.3, April 1998, 107.