哲学 ,“热爱智慧” ;教育 ,在无穷无尽的“置问”、“批判”与“创新”的主张下 ,让孩子们去追逐智慧。这个共同的目标使哲学与教育结下了不解之缘。在美国 ,哲学对教育的影响与作用深远而巨大。四大教育哲学理论流派在相互批判中并存 。
Philosophy and education have close relationship because of their common interest in intelligence. The four schools of Western culture's philosophies are currently influential in the American educational thought and practice. They criticize one and another, but co-exist under the guidance of democratic thinking. And this gives impulse to the American education in its variety in development.
Journal of Leshan Normal University