20 0 1年 4月初至 4月中旬 ,某养殖专业户饲养的中华竹鼠群中发生一种传染病 ,根据临床症状、解剖病变和病菌分离培养鉴定 ,此疫情是由大肠杆菌所引起的水肿病。通过药敏试验后 ,采用较敏感的药物对健鼠进行紧急药物预防和对病鼠治疗 。
An oedema disease caused by E.coli was first found in Rhizomys sinesis according to its clinic signs,identification of pathology and bacterium isolation.It was effectively and rapidly controlled by carrying emergency precaution on the healthy mouse and using sensitive drugs on the infected individuals after drug sensibility trials.
Special Wild Economic Animal and Plant Research