本文分析了 Diff Serv模型中提出的两种 meter算法 ,指出了令牌桶算法作为 meter算法所固有的缺陷 .在此基础上 ,提出了一种基于 Diff Serv模型的新型 meter算法 .该算法操作简单 ,与初始状态无关 ,并且很好地解决了权重因子的自适应取值问题 .因此它既能真实地反映 IP流的时间特性 ,又能容忍 IP流的短时间内的突发性 ,因而很适于作为Diff Serv模型中的 m eter算法 .
In this paper, the two meter algorithms under DiffServ architecture are analyzed, and the inherent shortcoming of meter algorithms based on token bucket is discussed, then a new meter algorithm for DiffServ architecture is proposed. This algorithm is simple and independent of initial states, the value of weight factor can be self adaptively decided. It is able to tolerate the short term burst of IP flows as well as reflecting the flows temporal behavior, so it is an ideal meter algorithm for DiffServ architecture.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems