随着无人机应用领域的不断扩大 ,要求无人机在GPS信号失效时仍然能够保证一定的航迹跟随性能。在不给现役无人机增加其他的硬件配置的前提下 ,本文采用推测导航作为唯一的导航手段 ,并针对影响推测导航精度的侧风扰动 ,研究了一种对抗侧风的控制策略。该策略的实质就是将普通的PID控制律改为一种容错控制律。仿真结果表明 ,这种控制策略在无人机作直线航迹跟踪时 ,效果十分理想。
The trajectory tracking performance of UAV should be guarantied when GPS is not available.In this paper,dead reckoning is adopted as the stand-alone navigation method so no additional navigation equipment is required during GPS outage.An anti-gust control method for autonomous flight of UAV is presented to improve the performance of DR system.The key idea is to change the normal PID contol law to a fault tolerant control law.The results of flight simulation indicate that the result of control tracking straight path is satisfied.
Aircraft Design