作者运用Authorware、3Dmax、Premiere等多媒体制作工具 ,把文字、图片、动画、音频、视频等信息有机地结合起来 ,制作完成了新颖、实用、交互性强、功能强大的工科《大学物理》CAI课件制作并投入使用 ,解决了教师难教、学生难学的问题 ,得到了学生的极大欢迎并取得了良好的教学效果。
With multimedia design tools such as Authorware, 3Dmax, Premiere, the author has carried out a creative, practical, and interactive 《University Physics》CAI software and put it into use. The CAI software has solved the problems of difficult teaching and studying, and was welcome by the students. With the CAI software, teachers can easily enhance the effect of teaching. The designer introduces the technical method of the CAI software designing and the comprehension using this software.
Journal of Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology(Natural Science Edition)