研发 (R&D)支出水平是国家科技实力比较与未来生产力发展趋势的一个重要指标。以国际上主要国家研发 (R&D)支出数据为基础 ,客观分析了各国研发支出总体水平 ,R&D总支出占本国GDP比例 ,非国防研发经费支出水平 ,非国防研发经费占本国GDP比例等国际科技实力对比的主要参数 ,尤其分析了美国研发经费的来源与分配以及 5
Absolute levels of R&D expenditures are indicators of the breadth and scope of a nation's S&T activities and are a harbinger of future growth and productivity. Indeed, investments in the R&D enterprise strengthen the technological base on which economic prosperity increasingly depends worldwide. In nearly all OECD countries, government has provided a declining share of all R&D funding during the past decade, whereas the industrial share of the funding total has increased considerably. This paper provides comparisons of international R&D spending patterns, the R&D expenditures as percentage of GDP, and the Disciplinarian of US R&D Expenditures.
World Sci-Tech R&D