可编程控制器在中低频电器开关控制领域应用十分广泛。这是因为 ,它与传统的继电器控制相比具有不可比拟的优点 :它结构紧凑 ,编程容易 ,强弱电并用 ,控制速度快 ,抗干忧性能强 ,故障率低 ,与外围电路的连接简单等等。《自动往返电动小汽车》是 2 0 0 1年全国大学生电子设计大赛的一项试题 ,通过完成该题目的设计任务 。
There are many applications of programmable controller(PC)in the switching control field of medium and low frequency electrical devices.To be compared with the traditional relay employment control methods,the devices controlled by programmable controller can result in superior performance.Fox example,the shorter responding time,good capacity of noise resistance,easy-to-use interface with other aiding electrical devices and so on.And also a device with more integrated structure,easy to program,able to be used both in the power electric supply and the weak electric supply applications can be implemented with PC.This paper is mainly based on the experience of designing the title named control system,which is a subject we faced in the 2001 National College Student Electronic Designing Contest.With the experience,the advantage of PC is more more vivid to us.