对电镀废铬液经处理后的含铬污泥进行了堆肥化处理 ,处理后其物理、化学性状有显著改善 ,此时每 1 g污泥中铬 ( )含量由 4.0 60 mg降至 0 .0 2 8mg,对植物的危害性因此大大降低。将此含铬污泥与化肥复配制成复合肥 ,作为微肥施于盆栽花卉上 。
After the treatment of electroplating wastewater ,the sludge containing chromium was composted, its physical and chemical characteristics had improved ,the content of Cr (Ⅵ) diminished from 4.060mg/g to 0.028 mg/g.Then ,we made the sludge into compound fertilizer and used it to plant flowers in potted plant.The flowers have good growth response.
Journal of Northwest University of Light Industry