“九五”期间 ,随着衡水市城市规模和社会经济的快速发展 ,市区环境噪声呈逐年上升趋势。为改善市区声环境 ,需要城建部门合理规划 ,统一布局以及环保、公安等执法部门严格执法 ,杜绝噪声源超标排放 ,同时加大宣传力度。
During'the Ninth Five Years' the environment noise tends to rise every year in Hengshui city with the rapid development of the social economy and the size of the city. In order to improve the noisy environment, it is necessary for the city construction departments to make a unified plan and a rational layout. And it is necessary for the departments of the police and the environmental protection to enforce the laws strictly to stop all the noisy sources sending out.Meanwhile, we should enlarge doing propaganda.
Journal of Hengshui Normal College