传统文化对主体意识的生成有着深刻的影响 ,一方面 ,儒家文化中“学无止境”、自主自立、自强自信的思想 ,促进个体主体意识的生成 ,道家文化中对神灵的否定及“贵身”的思想 ,凸现出个体生命意识的价值 ;另一方面 ,儒家文化中的家族本位主义、中庸之道思想 ,抑制了主体意识的生成 ,而道家文化推崇“无为”、“柔弱不争”等思想 。
The traditional culture has a profound influence on the formation of the individual subjective consciousness: on the one hand, some thinkings in Confucism, such as Knowledge is infinite, self-determination and self-reliance, self-respect and self-confidence, promote the formation of the individual subjective consciousness; the denial of gods and cherishing life Taoism presents the values of the individual life consciousness. On the other hand, the formation of subjective consciousness is restrained by some Confucian thinkings such as family selfish departmentalism and, while noninterference, weak and flinch advocated by Taoism, set obstacles for the individual initiative and creativity.
Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University