动机是影响学生学习的动力系统。成就目标理论从认知的角度来研究动机的内部关系。掌握性成就目标是有助于激发学生关注学习过程、创新学习的主要动因。但研究发现 ,大学生有随年级升高掌握性成就目标呈降低趋势 ,而且有专业差异。为此 ,本文提出了一些对策。
Motivation is a dynamical system for the study of university students. The theory of achievement researches the internal relation with motivation from the point of view of cognition. The master achievement goal is the main factor that helps students pay close attention to the process of learning and innovative study.The result indicates that the master achievement goal has a descending trend in the students with the grade higher. In addition to this, different majors have different master achievement goal. The article brings up some strategies to raise the level of the master achievement goal of the students .
Journal of Educational Science of Hunan Normal University