在《三国演义》中 ,吕布是一个颇受非议的否定性人物 ,前人的论述有简单化的倾向。本文试图把这一人物放在历史和现实的双重语境中去考察 ,分别从没落英雄的悲哀、英雄气与儿女情、道德与谋略等方面 ,重新审视和评价吕布在乱世这一特殊背景下的价值取向和行为方式 。
In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Lü Bu is a controversial antihero. Previous accouts have a tendency towards simplification.This article makes an attempt to investigate this charater in the double context of both history and reality,from sadness of hero's gong down-hill,heroic temparement and worldly affection,morality and strategy and so on,re-examine and evaluate Lü Bu's value orientation and manner of behaviour in times of disorder-a special backgroud,so as to make a comparatively appropriate judgement of this character's preceptive values and cultural connotations.
Journal of Jingzhou Teachers College