初唐李峤的《杂咏诗》 ,是一组自成体系的咏物五律。它不仅在诗歌史上独具特色 ,是一部应时的诗体创作蒙学教材 ,在蒙学史上更是不同凡响 ,既符合蒙学传统 ,又具有新的开拓。只有从蒙学角度入手 ,才能真正看清其优长与不足 。
Li Qiao's Za Yong Shi,a set of poems chanting things in the form of 8 five character lines with a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme, is not only distinctive in the history of poetry, but also in the history of elementary education. Being a primer, it accords with the elementary education tradition and makes innovative progress. Only from the angle of elementary education, can we realize its advantages and disadvantages, and appraise it justly.
Journal of Sichuan Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)