
汇率制度的未来:当前的国际争论及评价 被引量:3

The Future of Exchange Rate Regime: Disputes and Comments in the Current International Community
摘要 亚洲金融危机后,在国际政策圈和理论界对国际金融架构的讨论中,汇率制度成为中心论题之一。其中,尤为引人关注的是“中间制度消失论”的兴起,由此激起了各方热烈的讨论和交锋。全面分析和透视这场国际争论可以发现,各方就未来汇率制度提出的许多建议,既在某些方面达成了一致,也存在着明显的分歧;但有一点可以肯定,未来国际汇率制度的走向将在很大程度上受到这场讨论的影响。 After the Asian financial crisis much of the discussion among policymakers and theorists within the international community goes to the international financial construct. One of its focal issues under debate is about the exchange rate regime, and the view that intermediate exchange rale regimes are no longer viable (hollowing of the middle) particularly arouses heated discussions and debates. Through a comprehensive analysis of the debate in the international community we may find that some views in certain areas are commonly shared, whereas a divergence of views also exists in some other areas.However, what turns out to be evident is that the future development of the international exchange rate regime, to a great extent, will be definitely influenced by the discussion above.
作者 张志超
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第1期3-17,共15页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 汇率制度 中间制度消失论 自由浮动汇率 固定汇率 管理浮动汇率 亚洲金融危机 国际货币基金组织 发展中国家 东亚美元本位制 exchange rate regime, hollowing of the middle, free floating exchange rate, fixed exchange rate,managed floating exchange rate.
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