乾隆朝是清代的鼎盛时期,也是社会风气和人们的价值观念、伦理观念发生巨大变化的时期,特别是官宦、士人阶层风气变化尤大。表现为(一)穷奢极欲的奢靡之风彻底形成;(二)官宦、士人“幸喜南风”,“狎优蓄童”之习成为时髦;(三)一改往日的清高,重财、重利, 向商人靠拢,想方设法捞取钱财,甚至有的人也经营起工商业来。这一切既体现了清代统治阶级腐朽、没落的一面;但从另一方面也反映出社会生产力提高,资本主义萌芽的进一步发 展,从而冲击了“重农抑商”观念,预示着社会将要发生重大变革。和珅可以说是当时仕宦阶层中的一个典型代表。
The Qing dynasty was at the height of power and splendor under Qianlong's reign which was also a period of great changes of standards of social conduct, people 's values, and ethics. Changes in the common practice of government offi cials an d literates were especially great ,which were manifest in:(A).An extremely extra vagant and luxurious general mood of society had prevailed;(B).Indulgence in se nsual pleasures had become a fashion among officials and literates;(C). Former stress on aloofness from politics and material pursuits had been complete ly shifted on wealth, profit,and a drawing close to merchants trying every means to obtain money and wealth. Some of them even went so far as to run busin ess themselves. All this shows both the decadent, declining side of the Qing rul ing class and the rise of social productivity and continued growth of the capita list sprouts, which was a shock to the notion that gave priority to agriculture while slighting business, and foretelling significant changes were to take plac e in society. He Shen was in all senses, a typical figure of this stratum of of ficials.
Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences