This article holds that in the process of the evolution and development of the A merican spontaneous free market econmy, the govenment plays an important managem ent function. First of all. the government laid down and enforced a framevork of a basic legal system for the society to provide essential guarantees of property right protection, market order, and fair competition in economic operations. Se cond, when the market was out of order and corrective and remedial measures had to be taken, the government's task was to maintain development of a mar ket econo my with full employment, price stability and expansion of public welfare. To inf er from the points mentioned above, with the development of economy and the opti mization of the structure of production , how the government should play its rol e and demarcate the borders between the government and the market is something li ke the process of playing a game of chess . In this historical, dynamic and deve loping process of chess playing readjustments and changes of the government from being adaped to the market to not adapted to it, or from being not adapted to t he market to being adapted to it ,always pursue a more effective way to propel e conomy of the American society.
Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences