于谦 ( 1 398~ 1 45 7年 )浙江钱塘人 ,我国明代杰出的政治家、军事家和著名的民族英雄。他一生清正廉明 ,政绩卓著 ,有“于青天”之誉。正统十四年 ( 1 44 9年 ) ,瓦剌南犯 ,土木一役 ,英宗被俘 ,举朝震惊。于谦临危受命 ,亲自指挥数十万军民进行了垂范青史的北京保卫战 ,使明朝避免重蹈北宋覆辙 ,并促使英宗朱祁镇顺利南归 ,从而取得了军事上和民族关系上的重大胜利 ,书写了中国历史上辉煌壮丽的一页。
Born in Hangzhou,Zhejiang,YU Qian was an outstanding politician,strategist,and a famous national hero leading a life of purity and honesty.He made much brilliant work when he was in office,for which he was respected deeply and praised highly by common people.In 1449,AD,Wala,a Mongolian tribe marched into the territory of the Ming Dynasty and defeated the Ming army in Tumubao,making ZHU Qi\|zhen,the Emperor Zheng Tong of the Ming Dynasty imprisoned,and putting the whole Dynasty into a state of fear and instability.On such a dangerous and hard moment,YU Qian shouldered the task of leading people to defend their country and won the Beijing defending war.The victory of the war saved the Ming Dynasty from the fate of falling on the North Song Dynasty hundreds of years ago and made the Emperor Zheng Tong return home from imprisonment.Both on the senses of military affairs and national relations it was of significance,writing down a splendid page in the history of China.
Journal of Beijing Union University