经济全球化日益向纵深发展 ,各国经济在全球范围内相互依赖 ,高度融合 ,生产日益专业化和国际化 ,企业的跨国经营成为不可阻挡的潮流。本文认为对于发展中国家而言 ,其中小企业在跨国经营中具有独特的经营优势 ,是发展中国家跨国经营的主力军。
With the increasing development of economic globalization,the economics of all countries rely on each other,are highly integrated.The production develops specialized and internationalized more and more.The trend of firms' multinational operation is irresistible.The author put forward that for developing countries,small and medium-sized firms have special advantages,they are the main force of multinational operation.
Journal of Harbin University of Commerce:Social Science Edition