目前我国出现的通货紧缩、总需求不足的经济状况 ,虽然由于中央政府推行积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策有所改善 ,但效果有限。而中国的经济改革需要一个较高的经济增长速度 ,在内需难以启动的条件下 ,由外需的扩大来完成这一任务不失为一种选择。为此 ,运用蒙代尔—弗莱明模型分析了这种外需增长对于推动经济增长、实现经济内部与外部均衡的作用 ,提出人民币汇率政策应作出必要调整。
Now our country is in currency deflation and aggregate demand inadequacy.Though the central government has been ameliorating them by using positive fiscal policy and moderate policy,but the result is not very satisfied now.The chinese economic reform needs a high growth speed.In the condition that the domestic demand cannot be started,expanding the foreign demand can be a good choice.In this article the author uses the mundell-fleming model to analyse the function of the foreign demand in stimulating economic growth and realizing the inside and outside economic balance of China,and points out that central government should adjust the RMB Exchange Rate policy to suit the current economic circumstance.
Journal of Harbin University of Commerce:Social Science Edition