采用有限元法对某立体仓储货架的变形应力进行了计算 .由于货架横梁与立柱的连接既不是完全固接也不是完全铰接 ,因此在横梁变形计算时 ,结合实验结果提出了一种特殊的处理方法 .计算结果表明货架的强度和刚度都符合要求 .在稳定性方面 ,对整体模型进行了有限元屈曲分析 .
At first,this paper analyzes the deformation and the stress of a storage racking using the finite element method.A special treatment,combined with the experimental results,is put forward in the calculation of transverse beams' deformation,due to the joint condition between the transverse beams and the vertical columns which is partially released or partially fixed.Secondly,the buckling analysis on the racking is made.All simulations show that the racking is feasible.
Journal of Hohai University Changzhou