分析了我国可溶性钾盐资源短缺 ,钾肥工业发展速度缓慢 ,钾肥生产能力远远不能满足农业需求 ,国内庞大的钾肥市场长期依靠进口解决的现状 ,介绍了我国钾肥生产工艺技术、生产能力和消费情况。提出了加入WTO后 ,我国钾肥工业可持续发展的若干建议。
This article analyzes the shortage of soluble patash salt reaource of china. This article thinks that the development of potassic fertilizer industry is too slow and that production capacity is much less than the agricultural demand. Potassic fertilizer has to be imported for a long time. This article also introduces the production process, capacity and demand of potassic fertilizer in our country. It also puts forward some suggestions for the sustainable development of potassic fertilizer after we joined WTO.
Chemical Engineering Design Communications