中国藏传佛教雕塑艺术的发展阶段与佛教在西藏的发展大体一致 ,分为“前弘期”和“后弘期”两个阶段。藏传佛教雕塑艺术主要包括石雕、木雕、铜雕和泥塑等类型 ,包括摩崖石刻、玛尼石刻、建筑装饰木雕、印刷模具木雕、封经板木雕、大型泥塑和擦擦等。
The development of the Buddhist sculpture is roughly in accordance wit that of the Tibetan Buddhism, which can be classified into two periods: the Former Hong Period and the Latter Hong Period. The art forms of the Tibetan Buddhist sculpture vary widely as there are the stone inscription, the woodcarving, the bronze sculpture, and the clay sculpture. The Tibetan Buddhist sculpture is typical of the Tibetan Nation's religious belief as well as their unique aesthetic taste and ideal.
Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition