时事小说是中国小说史上不可忽略的历史存在 ,由于与现实过分密切的关系 ,时事小说家们虽以史家自居 ,却不能很好地控制自己的情感 ,因此形成了时事小说情感与理智两相悖反的独特现象。本文从对明君中兴的企盼、对农民起义的态度。
Topical novels are not so valuable, but as a whole, its existence really deserves our observation. On one hand, topical novelists tried with great efforts to record the social life faithfully like a historian; but on the other hand, they were too emotional in writing. Thus they face such a dilemma in writing: sense or sensibility? The discussion of the topical novelists' dilemma in this paper lies in those novelists' expectation of a bright and reasonable monarch, their opinion of the peasant uprising, and their description of spirits and gods.
Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition