五四期间 ,新文学与出版业之间建构起了密切的互动关系 ,产生了良好的互动效应。一方面 ,出版业凭借其拥有的物质力量和多样的传播手段 ,促进了五四新文学的发生与多元发展 ,成为新文学创造实践以及新文学家思想与文学自由表达的场所 ;另一方面 ,新文学观念的扩散以及新型作者群与读者群的培养和递增 ,也为出版业开拓了文学市场并给予其丰厚的利润回报。在出版业的积极参与和影响下 ,五四新文学从外在存在形态到内在审美特质均呈现出新的文化风貌 ,并体现为具有现代性质的文化创造。鉴于事物的复杂性 。
During the May 4th days, a close mutually operative relationship was developed between new literature and publishing industry, which made positive mutually operative effect in the day. The publishing industry, dependent on its possession of material power, came to be a stage of creative practice of new literature and liberal representation of new literary thinkers and literature, thus advancing the coming of new literature and polygenous development. Meanwhile, the spread of the conceptions of new literature and the training and increase of the new styled writers and readers helped expand the literary market and reward the publishers with rich profits. With the active participation and impact on the part of the publishing industry, the May 4th new literature was able to assume a novel cultural look both in outer form and in inner aesthetic speciality and embodied a modern character in its cultural creation. However, considering the complexity of things, the commercial character and backward perception of the publishing industry did make an inactive effect on the creation and development of the May 4th new literature.
Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
国家社会科学基金项目 (0 0BZW 0 2 8)
the May 4th new literature
publishing industry
cultural creation