This paper points out mistakes i n som e present calculations of the stock b ubble in China,points out that the st ock bubble is the deviation of stock pric e to stock value,calculates and comp ares and analyses the stock bubbles o f China and some other countries,and put s forward so me measures for contracting the stoc k bubble in China.The study r esults s how that the relative value of the bubble of Chinese circul ating A sto cks has been higher than th at of Tokyo stock market and of New York stock marke t for 9years,that the relative value o f the bubble of Chinese A stocks would have been between that of Tokyo stock market and of New York stock market if all their non-circulating stocks were marketed,and that the absolute value of the bub ble of Chinese circulating A stocks was 1040billio n RMB yuan in total at the end of the year 2000and it has become a big hidden danger.The result s also show that the deal in sto ck index futures can turn the stock ma rket int o a two-way market and reduce the resistance on contracting the stock bubble.
Journal of Nanjing University of Economics
stock bubble
comparison between China and foreign countries
measures for contracting the stock bubble