与日、美、德等发达国家的企业负债规模及盈利能力相比较 ,可以看出我国的企业负债规模基本适度 ,不存在过度负债的问题。但在负债规模基本适度的背后 ,仍存在着财务风险。其症结主要是 :1 拖债、赖债严重 ,破坏了正常的信用关系 ;2 企业管理滞后 ,资金循环不畅 ;3 资本市场发育程度低 ,直接融资规模小 。
As compared with Japan,the U.S.A and Germany's enterprises debt size and profitable ability,it may be concluded that our enterprises' debt size is suitable and does not have any excessive debt questions.However,it may be found that there is financial risk behind our enterprises' suitable debt size through the analysis of our enterprises' moderate debt.The main reasons are :1. The backwardness of our enterprises management incurs irregular capital turnover;2.The areas and repudiations upset normal credit relationship;3.The less developed capital market make direct finance size small and inefficient.
Journal of Shaanxi Economics and Trade Institute