“假日经济”是由于假日的出现和延长而产生的一种消费热点现象。“假日经济”是消费经济的一个范畴 ,它具有独特的城市地域性、广泛的群体参与性、明显的短期集中性和一定的享受性消费 ;它的出现 ,源于人们消费水平的提高、消费观念的更新和节假日的增加。作为商家 ,要努力提高自己的促销能力、服务水平 ,提高自己的素质 ;对于政府部门而言 ,要重视假日消费的作用 ,加以正确组织和有效引导 ;对于消费者而言 。
Holiday Economy'is a hot consuming phenomenon due to the appearance and prolonging of the holidays. Its characteristics are peculiar urban area, extensive people-participating, apparently short-term amass and enjoyable; it's the result of the higher consuming level, newer consuming ideas and more holidays. As a merchant, he should try his best to enhance the promotion ability and service quality, the authority need lead the consumers and pay more attention to the holidays, of course, it's necessary for the consumers to renew its consuming mind
Journal of Shaanxi Economics and Trade Institute