CT-中和复鞣剂是以栲胶为主要原料 ,经催化亚硫酸化制得。通过不同用量的中和复鞣剂在渗透性、中和 p H值、增厚率、成革性能等方面的性质对比 ,确定了中和复鞣剂中和应用方案。试验表明 :CT中和复鞣剂具有良好的中和能力和缓冲性 ,能够满足铬革中和的要求。用 CT中和复鞣剂中和能使成革粒面细致、粒纹清晰、松面率下降 ,成革利用率提高。CT中和复鞣剂用量为 3% - 5 % ,中和 1.5 - 2 h可达到要求。
The CT-neutralizing agent, one of the myria rubra tannin extracts modified by stronger sulfitation, has been developed in the lab.The buffering ability was studied by adding some of the 6 mol hydrochloride to 50 mL solution of the neutralizer. And the results showed that the neutralizer has better buffering ability from pH 4 to 6.The penetrability, thickening and absorption were measured in neutralizing with the product. Furthermore, some of the factors influenced the neutralizing process were studied and the optimal conditions for its application found out. Under the better parameters, the leather with finer and tighter grain could be obtained by neutralizing with the agent. Besides, it has been proved that the neutralizer has some of the filling ability that is contributed by its properties of vegetable tannin.
China Leather