文章描述了可控震源方法的一般原理 ,即把有限带宽的脉冲信号转换成变频扫描信号 ,并利用该扫描信号驱动可控震源。为了把扫描反射信号转换成脉冲反射信号 ,需要经过相关处理。相关方法有时域相关和频域相关之分。文章讨论了时域相关和频域相关的具体算法。最后指出 ,可控震源方法的优点在于低成本和高效率 ,其局限性则在于因扫描频率不高而不可能用来进行高分辨率勘探。
The paper describes general principle of vibroseis method,whichtransforms band-limit impulse to sweeping signal,then uses the sweeping signal to drive vibroseis. In order to transform reflected sweeping signal to impulse,it must be made correlation process. There are two correlation process of time domain and frequency domain. The paper discusses algorithm of two correlation process,and Finally points out the vibroseis method is charaterized by low cost and high efficiency,but with limation of insufficiency frequency to apply to high relosution exploration.
Petroleum Instruments