文章对国外引进的第一套重油加氢联合装置的硫腐蚀状况和防护经验进行了总结 ,指出反应系统的高压换热器管束腐蚀严重 ,主要为H2 S -HCl-H2 O腐蚀 ,同时存在Cl-引起的应力腐蚀开裂危险 ,选用 1 Cr- Mo材质较为理想。常减压系统的腐蚀主要表现在塔顶、冷凝系统、塔底及重烃进料部位 ;而选用碳钢材质的硫化氢汽提塔及低温容器应防FeS可能引起的火灾 ,采用ZF清洗剂可清洗掉设备表面的FeS。
The corrosion and corrosion protection experience in China's first licensed heavy oil hydrodesulfurization unit were summarized. It was pointed out that the high pressure heat exchanger tubes in the reaction system suffered from severe corrosion, mainly H 2S-HCl-H 2O corrosion and was subject to the danger of stress corrosion cracking caused by Cl -. 11/4Cr-1/2Mo was the ideal material for the tubes of the heat exchanger. The corrosion in atmospheric-vacuum distillation unit mainly occurred in tower overhead, condensing system, tower bottom and heavy oil inlet section. Attention should be paid to prevent the fire hazard which would be caused by FeS if carbon steel material was selected for H 2S stripper and low-temperature vessels.
Corrosion & Protection In Petrochemical Industry