
AC600非能动安全壳冷却系统长期效应分析 被引量:2

Long-Term Effect Analysis of AC600 Passive Containment Cooling System
摘要 利用自主开发的用于先进压水堆AC600非能动安全壳冷却系统的专用三维热工水力分析程序PCCSAC-3D,对AC600安全壳在大破口失水事故情况下进行了长期效应分析。该程序把钢安全壳内部的工质分为水蒸汽、不可凝干空气、连续相水和非连续相水,对气相引入e-k湍流计算模型并考虑由于气体浓度差引起的扩散效应。PCCSAC-3D程序充分考虑了各种空间非均匀的物理因素的影响,能够较精细描述在发生核电厂设计基准事故情况下出现的与安全壳非能动冷却系统有关的各种物理现象。本文对安全壳进行长期效应的分析结果表明,AC600非能动安全壳冷却系统能够保证安全壳的完整性。 This paper presented long-term effect analysis of AC600 passive containment cooling system under loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA). A special code PCCSAC-3D code, was used to analyze the performance of the AC600 passive containment cooling system (PCCS) developed by Tsinghua University. The code classifies the working fluid in the containment into steam, uncondensable air, continuous liquid state water and discontinuous water and includes k-Ε turbulence model and diffusion model for main gas flow. The code considers non-uniform factors of space carefully. It can be used to analyze the majority physical phenomenon of the AC600 PCCS accurately. The conclusion is that the PCCS can ensure the integrality of the AC600 containment in the long-term.
出处 《核动力工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期60-62,78,共4页 Nuclear Power Engineering
关键词 AC600 非能动 安全壳冷却系统 长期效应分析 PCCSAC-3D Computer software Containment vessels Diffusion Loss of coolant accidents Three dimensional Turbulence
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