反行政垄断是我国社会各界近几年来广泛关注的热点问题。从实践中看 ,用法律的手段限制垄断 ,已经成为世界上大多数市场经济国家的共同选择。然而 ,迄今为止 ,中国还没有一部反垄断的专门法律。因此 ,有必要针对我国反行政垄断的立法和司法现状 ,对反行政垄断法律制度的完善问题进行研究和探讨。
In recent years anti-administrative monopoly in China has become a hot topic and is attracting increasing attention from various circles of the society. It is the common practice for most market economies to restrict monopoly by legal means. Up till now, however, there is not such a law in China. By analyzing the current legal aspect of Chinese anti-administrative monopoly practice, this essay probes into how to construct the perfect Chinese legal system of anti-administrative monopoly.
Northern Economy and Trade