新《婚姻法》在我国首次确立了离婚过错赔偿制度。本文参酌国内外学者关于离婚过错赔偿制度的观点、学说和理论 ,根据立法体例并结合司法实践 ,对离婚过错赔偿制度的意义、构成要件、请求权行使及与相关制度衔接等问题作了深入探讨。
The new《Marriage Law》sets up the divorce fault compensation system in our country firstly. The author of this article discusses the significance, component parts, the request right performance and some other problems of the divorce fault compensation system. It bases on our legislative system and justice practice and consults other scholars viewpoint, theory about the system.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics