我国度假地的发展相对落后 ,在开发上缺少前人经验和正确的市场定位。本文在研究制约我国度假地发展因素上 ,重点对度假地的地理环境、区域经济发展水平以及相关消费群的消费理念、收入水平和闲暇时间做了具体的分析 ,并提出了符合我国国情的度假地基本发展方向。
The development of our country's holiday resorts is relatively backward. We lack previous experience and correct market orientation for development. This essay studys factors which restrict the development of our country's holiday resorts. It gives a specific analysis of China's geographical position and compares various consumer-group's concepts of consumption,relative to their income level and leisure time. It also puts forward a basic direction for development, that is suitable for the situation of our country.
Journal of Guilin Institute of Tourism